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Inicio » NEWS » NOTICIAS » Interview by the company SHOWLAND with our colleague Alberto Movilla
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Truss estructure for the Endesa Stand at the Copa del Rey basketball final in Spain
1 March, 2022
Entrevista de la empresa SHOWLAND a nuestro compañero Alberto Movilla
4 March, 2022


4 MARCH 2022

The company SHOWLAND is doing a series of interviews with their suppliers for their yearly magazine, and at GUIL we are very proud that they have contacted us for their first edition.  They interviewed our commercial manager, Alberto Movilla, who told us that he had a very pleasant time doing it.

SHOWLAND, based in Toledo and Madrid, is an agency dedicated to providing all the services required to put on an event, from the organisation, the set-up, to the design and publicity of the event.  Without more ado, we leave you with the interview, but not without thanking the whole SHOWLAND team again for their professionalism and trust in GUIL.

 – How was GUIL founded?

GUIL was founded in Valencia, at the beginning of the 1980s.  This was a time when events, shows and performances were booming, and the industry needed a company that could manufacture all the things that these shows need.  At that time, every company wanted to manufacture the best sound or lighting gear, but the shows couldn’t go ahead without the structural side of things.  From the first moment, GUIL concentrated on offering safety (not a common thing all those years ago), manufacturing robust, functional items which were quick and easy to set up, but with the added value of safety, both for the user and for the worker.


 – Where does the name come from?

The management were originally interested in the English word “guild”, but the letter D at the end was an unfamiliar combination for Spanish speakers.  They were looking for something short, resonant and easy to remember, and that’s how the name GUIL came about.

 – What services does GUIL offer, and who are they meant for?

The main line of work is centred on the world of events, shows and large concerts, although in recent years we have created a more industrial product line, with devices to help lift material for installers and fitters in just about any line of business.  Our products range from auxiliary items such as chairs for musicians, music stands or microphone stands, to everything for lifting truss structures, the trusses themselves, Line Array lifters, complete modular stages, anti-crush barriers, barrier posts and even transparent separator screens.  Advising our customers and offering them safety in their work are the best added value that we can offer them.


 – We know that at GUIL you are constantly seeking to be an industry leader in your field, taking special care regarding the environmental impact, but how does all this fit in with your day-to-day work?  And what is your team like?

At GUIL we are very aware and care about preserving the environment.  For this reason, we take all sorts of actions each day, both in our manufacturing processes (as can be seen in our new factory building in L’Alcudia) and in the individual contribution of every worker.  We know it’s not just a question of big gestures, with large, modern buildings that consume 80% less electricity or water, and with ventilation and air-purification systems.  We know, and every worker at GUIL knows, that these things are also done one step at a time.

 – GUIL is a company backed up by a long track record, committed to close collaboration with its customers.  What is the secret of those four decades?  What sets you apart?

The main secret (although, unfortunately, from this moment it’s not going to be a secret any longer) is sticking with the values that are at the roots of GUIL, such as safety, efficiency and first-class raw materials.  The end result is a product that professionals can enjoy and use for many years.

We know that there are people who even now are still using products manufactured back when GUIL had only just started working, and that’s something that makes us feel very proud.

What sort of distribution network do you have?

We have a distribution network that stretches around the world, and we do our best to work with first-rate companies in every country.  In the case of Spain, we try to work in every province with professionals who we can be sure will uphold our brand, and who have the same philosophy as GUIL.  Companies like SHOWLAND appreciated our spirit and very soon became a very special distributor for us.  It’s a relationship that we learn from every day, as they are the ones who are in daily contact with the end users of our products.  If GUIL doesn’t take advantage of that experience and know-how, we’re going nowhere: in a sector as dynamic as ours, it is essential to move with the times, and to offer what the market requires.  Our distribution network is the best asset that we have, and we hope it will continue that way for a long time.